Time Management

Q. Positive Time Management
A. Positive Time Management is when an employee has to "Clock-in and Clock-out" each day. There must be a time entry or absence entry for every scheduled work day. Eg. Hourly employees usually use positive time recording.

Q. Negative Time Management
A. Negative Time Management is when an employee only has to record absences or "variations" to the work schedule - works overtime, works other than regular scheduled hours, funeral leave, etc. Eg. Salaried employees usually use negative time recording.

Q. Positive Time Recording
1. Records the attendance time of the employee
2. Records the deviation times of the employee
3. Valid attendances include: Training, Business Trips, Seminars, Overtime.
4. Attendances & deviations can be entered either:
  • - Front end system
  • - Manually.
In Positive Time Management we have two types of recordings:
  • With Clock times - Complete time recording is captured
  • Without Clock times - Only Number of hours worked is captured 
Q. Negative Time Recording
1. Records time deviations to Planned Working Time
2. Valid deviations include: Absences, Special Absences, On Call Duty, Overtime, Substitutions, Time off in lieu
3. Deviations are manually entered according to type & duration.

Q. Time Management Infotypes
  • 2001- Absences
  • 2006- Absence quota
  • 2012- Time transfer specifications
  • 2013- Quota correction
  • 2050- Annual calendar
  • 2051- Monthly calendar
  • 2002- Attendances
  • 2005- Overtime
  • 2011- Time event 

Q. Work Schedules
A. Work schedules are shift schedules which must be generated for all employees, even those with a set working time (salaried employees) or flextime. Following need to be defined:
  • · Holiday calendar/grouping of public holiday classes
  • · Daily work schedules,
  • · Period work schedules
  • · Work schedule rules.

Q. Day Type
A. An indicator that a certain calendar day is payment-relevant, that is, an employee is paid for working that day. An employee's scheduled attendance can differ from the employee's daily work schedule.

Example: Day type "0" or "blank" indicates a paid workday and day type "1" indicates days that are paid but no work is performed. Therefore, public holidays are assigned the day type "1."
  • · 0 Work/paid
  • · 1 O/pd Off/paid
  • · 2 O/upd Off/unpaid
  • · 3 O/sp Off/special day
  • · 4 Spc D Special Day
By entering the planned working time, the system calculates the planned hours for one day, taking the break schedule into consideration. 

Q. Daily Work Schedules
A.The daily work schedule represents the actual working time for a particular employee on a given day.

Q. Period Work Schedules
A. A period work schedule is made up of a sequence of daily work schedules over a defined period.

Q. Work Schedule Rules
A. A work schedule rule is a precise description of the work schedule that specifies the working times of a group of employees.

A work schedule rule is assigned a period work schedule, which in turn is made up of daily work schedules. Rotating shifts are set up by assigning a period work schedule to several work schedule rules.

Work schedules are not stored all at once, but stored for each month. The work schedule is created regardless of the length of the period work schedule and is not person-specific.

Q. Absence & Attendance Quotas
Absence quota: An employee's entitlement to a certain absence. The quota has a limited validity period, and is reduced by each recorded absence.

Attendance Quota: Determines an employee's time-restricted entitlement to certain attendances. One such example is overtime approval. Recording an attendance of this type reduces an employee's entitlement
Q.  Substitution
A. A substitution is employee working time that deviates from planned working time and/or is paid at a different rate because the employee works at an alternative position.

Substitutions allow short-term deviations to personal work schedules, as well as different payment for an employee, to be recorded in the system.

Substitutions can be set up regardless of whether the absent person is actually being replaced or substituted for temporarily.

Q. Availability
A. Description of when a service employee is available or not. The resource planner uses availability as background information when scheduling a service employee.

Q. Rounding Rule
A. It is a rule to round the absence and attendance hours which will be attached to Counting Rule and then assigned to Deduction Rule.

Q. Quota Deduction
A. Quota deduction is the deduction of employee's absence from the entitlement for any base period.

Q. Quota Compensation
A. Quota Compensation is how the quota is compensated: either by giving comp-off or by encashment.

Q. Time Management Status
A. The Time Management status indicator is assigned to employees who take part in time evaluation. It controls selection parameters for the time evaluation report RPTIME00. You can use the indicator to trigger different types of processing in time evaluation. You must enter a Time Management status in this field to indicate whether or not the employee participates in time evaluation.


  1. Shortly explained and more informative.Thanks you

  2. This post is very helpful for those who are new in SAP - HCM, Thanks

  3. Very good post!

    I personally think that the most important for accurate time management is positive time recording with clock times. Time devoted to a task should always be precisely measured so we can be paid accurately for our work and can plan next projects. I use www.timecamp.com to do this and it makes a job. Do you know this tool?

  4. Thank you. this was very helpful to me

  5. Thanks indeed very helpful to all.
